This page contains details related to governance issues, and will cover the following topics;
- Registration with Companies House
- Registration with the Charity Commission
- Impact Reports
- Data Protection principles
- ‘Hidden Needs’ Analyses
- Fundraising principles
- Links to useful information and websites
Companies House
The Community Foundation is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with a company registration number of 04220563.
The Companies House website holds information and details about The Community Foundation for Staffordshire, including copies of our Memorandum and Articles of Association, our accounts and financial returns, and details of our directors.
The link to the Companies House website is at the bottom of this page.
Charity Commission
The Community Foundation for Staffordshire is a registered charity, with a charity number of 1091628. The Charity Commission website contains copies of our financial returns and accounts, as well as details of our trustees and an overview of our work.
The link to the Charity Commission website is at the bottom of this page.
Impact Reports
As part of our reporting mechanisms we produce ‘Impact Reports’, which highlight the impact and effects of our work, including our grant-giving.
These reports were produced and published biennially, (every two years), until 2017, and will be published annually from 2018. Reports are distributed freely and are available on request.
Data Protection
The Community Foundation for Staffordshire take our responsibilities around data protection seriously. That’s why we have already implemented the GDPR legal requirements, which will be enforced from May 2018.
How we use your information
We do not buy mailing lists, nor do we sell any of your data, or make it available to any outside organisation. Any information you provide is kept by The Community Foundation for Staffordshire and is used to provide a bespoke service to you.
We will only contact you if you have previously requested it. Further, we will only contact you about the areas of our work in which you have shown interest. If you are interested in grants, we will only contact you about grants. If you are interested in helping us to support our community then we will only contact you about that. If you are interested in our events, then we will only contact you about that.
When we contact you it will normally be about your specific geographical area of interest too. This means that if you are in Lichfield you will only be contacted about things relevant to Lichfield, if you are in Stoke on Trent you will only be contacted about things relevant to Stoke on Trent.
How to ‘Opt In’ or request specific communications from us
If you wish to receive information about what is going on in an area other than your own, (for example, if you are in Stoke on Trent but also want to hear about what is going on in Newcastle-under-Lyme or the Staffordshire Moorlands), please call us on 01785 339540 or e-mail us,, and we can add you to the mailing list for these areas.
How to ‘Opt Out’ of specific communications from us
If you no longer wish to receive information relevant to specific areas, please contact us and we will remove you from our e-mail distribution list.
How to ‘Opt Out’ of all communications from us
Each communication from us contains details of how you can ‘unsubscribe’. If you click the ‘unsubscribe’ link it will prevent ALL future communications. If you only wish to opt out of certain communications please contact us and we can make the necessary changes immediately.
Fundraising Preference Service
You are also entitled to request no further communications from us, or from any other charity, through the Fundraising Preference Service, which launched in 2017. The link to the Fundraising Preference Service is at the bottom of this page.
Information Commissioner’s Office
We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office for the purposes of data management and data protection. The link to the Information Commissioner’s Office can be found at the bottom of this page.
Hidden Needs Analyses
To educate and inform our grant giving, and to help to educate and inform our partners, donors and supporters, as well as the wider community, we publish an annual ‘Hidden Needs Analysis’. Until 2016 this full report was known as ‘Vital Issues’, with a slimmed down, or ‘headline’ version known as ‘Vital Signs’.
From 2017 the report will carry different branding and be referred to by a different name. It will also feature information and statistics and research far more specific to, and relevant to, Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent.
As part of this report we use statistics provided from various sources, including the Office for National Statistics and the Staffordshire Observatory, part of Staffordshire County Council. We also use our own research, carried out specifically for the purposes of this report.
Any information given to or shared with The Community Foundation for Staffordshire, for the purposes of this report, will not be shared with any outside agency or organisation, other than in the case of criminal activity, where we have an obligation to refer issues to the relevant authorities. However, anonymised cumulative data will be published in the final report, which is available freely and on request.
If you feel you could contribute to this report, please contact us.
The Community Foundation for Staffordshire is an organisation that specialises in philanthropic management, and some of our work in this area could be classified as fundraising.
Fundraising Regulator
The Fundraising Regulator is a new body which has been established to oversee the fundraising activities and principles of charities. The Fundraising Regulator holds the Code of Fundraising Practice for all areas of the UK. They set and maintain the standards of charitable fundraising, aim to ensure that fundraising is respectful, open, honest and accountable to the public and regulate fundraising in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
We follow and endorse the guidelines and requirements published in the Fundraising Regulator’s fundraising guidance, and a link to this website can be found at the bottom of this page.
Useful Links
Fundraising Preference Service
Information Commissioner’s Office